Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

                                                                                                     Limba romana

PSIA Website launch! 

As you know, the Bank is carrying out more systematically the Poverty and
Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) of major reforms. PSIA is the analysis of the
distributional impact of policy reforms on the well-being or welfare of
different stakeholder groups, with particular focus on the poor and
vulnerable. PSIA has an important role in the elaboration and implementation
of poverty reduction strategies. It promotes evidence-based policy choices and
fosters debate on policy reform options. PSIA helps to:

  • Analyze the link between policy reforms and their poverty and social
  • Consider trade-offs among reforms on the basis of their distributional
  • Enhance the positive impacts of reforms and minimize their adverse impacts
  • Design mitigating measures and risk management systems
  • Assess policy reform risks
  • Build country ownership and capacity for analysis

To support our country teams and other practitioners, we have set up a PSIA
website. The site is conceived as a forum for interaction and a tool for
disseminating experience and will be updated as we gain experience. The
website presents information in the following categories:

  • PSIA in the World Bank: describes the activities undertaken in the World
    Bank to build and disseminate knowledge on PSIA
  • Approach: presents the draft framework developed by the World Bank to carry
    out PSIA of reforms
  • Tools and methods: presents a range of tools and techniques to undertake
    the various steps of PSIA
  • Country experience: describes some of the analysis carried out for specific
    countries and reforms
  • Resources: includes training material, comments on the PSIA approach,
    references, translations and links to relevant sources

We welcome your comments and suggestions on how to improve the Website. Please
send your comments to

 Lansarea site-ului PSIA ! 

Dupa cate cunoasteti, Banca Mondiala efectueaza intr-un mod mai sistematic Analiza impactului principalor reforme asupra situatiei sociale si a saraciei (PSIA). PSIA este o analiza a impactului distributional al reformelor strategice asupra bunastarii sau protectiei sociale a diferitor categorii de beneficiari cu plasarea unui accent deosebit pe cei saraci si vulnerabili. PSIA joaca un rol important in elaborarea si implementarea strategiilor pentru reducerea saraciei. PSIA promoveaza alegerea politicilor bazata pe argumente si totodata, initiaza dezbateri pe marginea optiunilor de reformare. PSIA serveste la:

  • Analiza corelatiei intre reformele in domeniul politicilor si impactul acestora asupra saraciei si situatiei sociale
  • Posibilitatea alegerii genului de reforma in baza impactului distributional
  • Propagarea impactului pozitiv al reformelor si reducerea impactului advers
  • Elaborarea masurilor de conciliere si sistemelor de management a riscurilor
  • Evaluarea riscurilor ce tin de reforma in domeniul politicilor
  • Asigurarea continuitatii si capacitatii de reformare

In vederea asistarii echipelor noastre care lucreaza cu diferite tari si altor specialisti, a fost creat site-ul PSIA. Acest site a fost conceput ca un forum de interactiune si instrument de diseminare a experientei si urmeaza a fi actualizat pe masura ce se va acumula experienta. Informatia pe site este plasata pe urmatoarele categorii:

  • PSIA in Banca Mondiala: descrie activitatile intreprinse in cadrul Bancii Mondiale in vederea acumularii si diseminarii cunostintelor despre PSIA.
  • Abordarea: prezinta cadrul preliminar elaborat de Banca Mondiala pentru implementarea reformelor PSIA
  • Instrumente si metode: prezinta o varietate de instrumente si tehnici de implementare a etapelor PSIA
  • Experienta tarilor: descrie cateva studii efectuate pentru anumite tari si reforme
  • Resurse: include materiale de instruire, comentarii pe marginea abordarilor PSIA, referinte, traduceri si link-uri pe aceeasi tema.

Comentariile si sugestiile D-voastra cu privire la imbunatatirea site-ului pot fi expediate pe adresa