GDDS is a framework to develop national statistical systems in
producing economic and socio-demographic data. It gives countries a
management approach that fosters sound statistical methodology,
professional data compilation, and data dissemination practices. By
diagnosing data quality issues and cataloging technical assistance
needs, the GDDS guides users, notably national policy makers and
donors, on how to address these issues. The GDDS thus serves as a
vehicle for countries to gradually progress and graduate to the
Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS).The GDDS assists
data-producing agencies to take control of statistical development
programs in a structured manner. It recognizes that countries differ
in their stages of statistical development and capacity to improve
their statistical systems. Accordingly, it is based on national
authorities’ own priorities and timing to achieve the objectives at
their own pace. To participate, a country adopts the GDDS as a
framework for statistical development, appoints a country
coordinator, and provides to the public a description of statistical
methodology and dissemination practices (metadata).
The GDDS is well-recognized around the world and has a large
number of participant countries, with contact persons. It helps
build an international community of officials in participating
countries—within and across countries. The GDDS assists
data-producing agencies to coordinate effectively among themselves,
users, and the international community. The GDDS facilitates
resource allocation and technical assistance collaboration optimally
to complement national initiatives.
IMF Factsheet:
Standards for Data Dissemination
General Data Dissemination System Document (Nov-2003).
List of countries participating in GDDS
Moldova's first posting at the GDDS website was on February 11,
On February 19, 2003 National Bank of Moldova (NBM) posted a
Release on it's website (in Romanian), titled "Options for a
Well Performing Statistics Framework", outlining the GDDS prospects
for Moldova.
But the initial decision, preparing the grounds for GDDS
implementation in Moldova was approved by the NBM on July 12, 2001
(No.183), titled "On the Approval of the Regulation for Setting Up
and Implementation of GDDS in Moldova".
This Regulation was
subsequently approved by: NBM (July 16,
2001), Ministry of Finance (September 24, 2001), and Department of
Statistics and Sociology (October 15, 2001).
Link to NBM's GDDS statistics: , then in the top menu click on "NBM activity" -- "GDDS
Link to the section on Moldova at the GDDS site
Related report: ROSC
Data Module on Moldova