Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau, December 29 (INFOTAG). The International Monetary
Fund disbursed $12 million to the National Bank of Moldova (NBM)
today. The money is arriving at Chisinau tonight, NBM
vice-president Veronica Bacalu told INFOTAG.

Earlier this week, a similar step was undertaken by the World
Bank which furnished a $19.2 million credit to the Ministry of
Finance within the SAC-II arrangement. Besides this, the
Ministry has already received a gratuitous $10 million grant
from the Government of the Netherlands.

With an account of the above-indicated coming IMF credit, the
NBM's currency reserve will reach $230 million, of which sum
about $77 million is the bank's net reserve and the rest is the
so-called gross reserve consisting of IMF credits in the amount
of $153 million.

The IMF and WB crediting resumption is marking the de-frosting
of the country's relations with the international financial
institutions. Since November 1999, Moldova had lived without
foreign loans.


Fondul Monetar International (FMI) a transferat vineri Bancii Nationale a Moldovei (BNM) $12 mln. 

Veronica Bacalu, viceguvernator al BNM, a relevat ca banii de la FMI vor intra in contul Bancii Nationale vineri seara tirziu. Ziua transferului va fi considerata 29 decembrie 2000. 

La inceputul acestei saptamini, a facut un gest similar fata de Moldova si Banca Mondiala (BM), care a acordat Ministerului Finantelor un credit de $19,2 mln. in cadrul programului SAC-II. In afara de acest credit de la BM, Ministerul Finantelor a obtinut si $10 mln. de la Guvernul Olandei, acordat Moldovei sub forma de grant. 

Tinind seama de ultimul credit din partea FMI, rezervele valutare ale Bancii Nationale au ajuns la $230 mln., din care rezervele net ale BNM constituie circa $77 mln. Restul rezervelor valutare sint asa-numitele rezerve bruto. Acestea sint constituite din credite ale FMI, in valoare de $153 mln. 

Reluarea creditarii din partea FMI si BM demonstreaza ca spre sfirsitul anului 2000 Moldova a reusit sa dezghete relatiile sale cu institutiile financiare internationale. Guvernul Moldovei a fost lipsit, din luna noiembrie 1999, de creditarea din partea FMI si BM.