Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau-02.02.2001/11:52:00/(BASA-general) The International
Monetary Fund is worried about the fact that very few foreign
investors are coming to Moldova.

The head of the International Monetary Fund mission Richard Haas,
Advisor in the Europe II Department considers that the main reason
of this situation is the inhospitable business environment.

In an interview given to the radio post "Free Europe", Richard Haas
said that there is an impression abroad that Moldova is a relatively
corrupt state. The head of the IMF mission said: "in reports on
transparency by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
and other organizations, it is mentioned that Moldova is not a very
favorable country from this point of view. "It is the image of the
country, may be even the reality, that has to be somehow changed",
underlined Mr.Haas.

Among the reasons for corruption in the Republic of Moldova, the
head of the IMF mission mentioned the legislation, which is not
perfect, and the mechanisms that provide for its implementation, as
well as the inefficient judiciary system.

Previously other dignitaries of the IMF, World Bank, European Union
TACIS program and other international institutions declared that one
of the main impediments to development in the Republic of Moldova in
the last 10 years is corruption.

According to the last study made by the organization "Transparency
International", the Republic of Moldova is among the most corrupt
states in the world, being on the 75th place of 90 countries of the
world according to the annual corruption index, which is bigger for
countries closer to number 90. The classification was concluded
based on some polls among businessmen, analysts and common people
during the period 1998-2000.


Chisinau-02.02.2001/09:59:00/(BASA-general) Fondul Monetar
International este ingrijorat nu atat de posibila venire la putere
a comunistilor, care vor trebui sa demonstreze prin politici
atitudinea fata de reforme, cat de faptul ca in Republica Moldova
vin foarte putini investitori straini.

Seful Misiunii Fondului Monetar International, Richard Haas,
director in Departamentul II pentru Europa, considera ca
principala cauza a acestei stari de fapt este mediul de afaceri

Intr-un interviu acordat postului de radio "Europa Libera", Richard
Haas a spus ca in exterior s-a creat impresia ca R.Moldova este un
stat foarte corupt. Seful misiunii FMI a spus ca "din rapoartele
despre transparenta ale Bancii Europene pentru Reconstructie si
Dezvoltare sau ale altor organizatii, se vede clar ca Moldova nu
este o tara prea favorabila din acest punct de vedere". "Este o
imagine a tarii, poate chiar o realitate, care trebuie intr-un fel
schimbata", a subliniat Haas.

Printre cauzele care alimenteaza coruptia in R.Moldova seful
misiunii FMI a numit imperfectiunea legislatiei si a mecanismelor
care asigura aplicarea ei, precum si ineficienta sistemului

Anterior, si alti demnitari din FMI, Banca Mondiala, programul
Uninii Europene TACIS si alte organisme internationale au declarat
ca principalul flagel care a impiedicat dezvoltarea R.Moldova in
ultimii 10 ani este coruptia.

Potrivit ultimului studiu efectuat de organizatia "Transparency
International", R.Moldova se numara printre cele mai corupte state
din lume, situandu-se pe locul 75 printre 90 de tari ale lumii
potrivit indicelui anual al coruptiei, care este cu atat mai mare
cu cat o tara se situeaza mai aproape de cifra 90. Clasamentul a
fost intocmit in baza unor sondaje efectuate in randul
businessmenilor, analistilor si a oamenilor simpli in perioada