Limba romana
Chisinau, April 26 /Moldpres/ - The evaluation of the
process of implementation of the projects supported by the
International Monetary Fund /IMF/ for Moldova was discussed on
Thursday within a meeting of Premier Vasile Tarlev with Advisor
in the European II Department of the IMF Richard Haas, who
arrived in Moldova within a special mission, the Government's
press service said.
The Moldovan Premier underscored that the new Government of
Moldova will continue to boost and deepen the relations with the
international financial bodies. Referring to the Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility, which is estimated at USD 150 mln,
Vasile Tarlev stressed the importance of this financial support
for the population of Moldova. The first tranche of the above
project worth USD 14 mln has been already disbursed. The next
tranches will be allocated quarterly, during 2001-2003.
The Moldovan Government in 2001 is to finalize the elaboration of the
strategy of poverty reduction with the massive participation of
non-governmental institutions and the civil society.
Vasile Tarlev and Richard Haas also approached other
problems dealing with the relations of Moldova with the
international financial bodies, /the IMF and the World Bank.
Chisinau, 26 aprilie /MOLDPRES/. Evaluarea proceselor
de implementare a proiectelor sustinute de Fondul
Monetar International pentru tara noastra a fost discutata
joi in cadrul intrevederii Primului-Ministru Vasile Tarlev cu
Richard Haas, consilier in Departamentul II Europa, sosit
intr-o misiune speciala in Republica Moldova, comunica
Serviciul de presa al Guvernului.
Noul Guvern al Republicii Moldova, a tinut sa mentioneze
Premierul moldovean, va continua dinamizarea si aprofundarea
relatiilor cu organismele financiare internationale.
Referindu-se la proiectul de reducere a saraciei si crestere
economica, evaluat la 150 mln dolari SUA, Vasile Tarlev a
subliniat importanta acestui suport financiar pentru
populatia tarii noastre. Prima transa a
proiectului nominalizat, de 14 mln dolari, a fost deja
disbursata. Transele urmatoare vor fi alocate simestrial, pe
parcursul anilor 2001-2003. Guvernul Moldovei urmeaza sa
definitiveze in anul 2001 elaborarea strategiei de reducere a
saraciei cu participarea masiva a institutiilor
nonguvernamentale si a societatii civile.
Vasile Tarlev si Richard Haas au abordat si alte probleme ce
vizeaza relatiile Republicii Moldova cu organismele financiare
internationale (FMI si BM).