Limba romana
Chisinau-02.05.2001/14:05:57/(BASA-economic) Moldova has not
fulfilled "several" clauses stipulated in the December 2000
memorandum to which the Chisinau government was committed for the
period of the first three months of this year, Richard Haas,
advisor in the European II Department of the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), stated at the end of his fact-learning visit to
The IMF mission head cited a number of changes he expected to see
in the Fiscal Code and in the legislation on free enterprise zones.
Speaking to reporters, Haas noted, however, that the commitments
have not been fulfilled because Moldova changed the parliament and
the government.
"We shall return to Moldova for more talks with the new government
when these conditions are fulfilled," Haas stated. The next mission
of the Fund is scheduled for the end of July, and could be even
nearer if Chisinau fulfills its memorandum commitments sooner.
Haas also stated that he was satisfied over the fact that the new
government has assumed the responsibility for the conditions of a
memorandum negotiated with the former cabinet.
Moldovan businessman-turned-Premier Vasile Tarlev stated that the
new governing team has confirmed its readiness to fulfill all
conditions of the memorandum. "We shall raise the relations with
the IMF at a much higher level," the prime minister was quoted as
Asked what measures would the Fund take if Moldova fails to
privatize the wine and tobacco industries, Haas observed that in
the past such an attitude gravely affected the Moldova-IMF
relations. The communists, who now complete the takeover of the
rule in Moldova, were earlier quoted as saying that they would
reject any further privatisation or would revise the previous
projects in this field.
The IMF's Executive Board approved the three year loan under the
PRGF for the Republic of Moldova in an amount equivalent to SDR
110.88 million (about 142 million dollars) on December 21, 2000.
Two tranches, totaling nearly 25 million dollars, have already been
disbursed under the PRGF: the first tranche of 12 million dollars
was disbursed on December 29, 2000 and the second tranche of 12
million dollars was disbursed on February 23, 2001. The third
tranche would be disbursed not earlier than August.
Chisinau-02.05.2001/14:05:57/(BASA-economic) Republica Moldova nu a
indeplinit "cateva" din clauzele, stipulate de Memorandumul semnat la
1 decembrie 2000, pe care urma sa le onoreze in primul trimestru, a declarat
astazi Richard Haas, consilier in Departamentul doi pentru Europa al FMI, la
incheierea vizitei de documentare la Chisinau.
Inaltul demnitar al FMI a facut referire in context la unele modificari ce
urmau sa fie operate in Codul Fiscal, legislatia cu privire la activitatea
zonelor economice libere etc.
Richard Haas a spus ca angajamentele nu au fost indeplinite din cauza ca a
fost schimbat Parlamentul si Guvernul.
Cand conditiile vor fi indeplinite vom veni pentru discutii mai aprofundate
cu noul Guvern, a declarat Haas. Urmatoarea misiune a Fondului va veni in
Republica Moldova la sfarsitul lunii iulie, insa ea ar putea fi urgentata in
cazul in care Chisinaul va indeplini clauzele Memorandumului.
Seful misiunii FMI a declarat ca este satisfacut de faptul ca noul Guvern isi
asuma responsabilitate pentru clauzele ce se contin in Memorandumul semnat de
fostul cabinet de ministri.
Premierul moldovean, Vasile Tarlev, a declarat la randul sau ca noua echipa
de guvernare isi reconfirma disponibilitatea de a indeplini conditiile stipulate
in Memorandum. "Vom ridica relatiile cu FMI la un nivel mult mai inalt"
decat guvernele precedente, a spus Tarlev.
Intrebat daca FMI va sanctiona Chisinaul in cazul in care guvernul format de
comunisti nu va privatiza combinatele de vinuri si tutun, Haas a declarat ca in
trecut respingerea acestor proiecte a afectat relatiile Moldovei cu FMI.
Anterior comunistii au declarat ca vor revizui aceste proiecte.
Consiliul Executiv al FMI a aprobat la 21 decembrie 2000 un credit pe trei an
in cadrul Mecanismului de Reducere a Saraciei si de Crestere Economica pentru R.
Moldova in suma echivalenta cu 110,88 milioane DST (aproximativ 142 milioane
dolari SUA). FMI a acordat din acest credit, la 29 decembrie 2000 si 23
februarie 2001, doua transe in suma totala de circa 25 milioane dolari SUA.
Transa a treia va fi alocata nu mai devreme de luna august.