Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau, July 2 /Moldpres/ - On Saturday, at the
Government's headquarters, the top leadership of Moldova met with
representatives of the International Monetary Fund and of other
international financial organizations accredited to Moldova,
communicates the Government's Press Service.

Participating in the meeting were President of Moldova
Vladimir Voronin, Parliament Speaker Eugenia Ostapciuc and
Premier Vasile Tarlev, as well as IMF Resident Representative in
Moldova Hassan Al Atrash, other responsible persons of the
financial lenders accredited to Moldova. The dialogue aimed to
establish an exchange of opinions on the stage of Moldova's
relations with the IMF, the Government's and National Bank's
economic-financial policy dealing with the program on Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility.

The sides discussed subjects like the identification of the
financial sources for the increase in pensions and wages, as well
as the enlargement of the financial covering of the nominal
targeted compensations system, the continuation of the
privatization process within the energy sector, the wine-making
and the tobacco industries, the reorientation of the free
economic regions' activity to export, other matters. 


Chisinau, 30 iunie /MOLDPRES/. La Guvern a avut loc sambata o
intrevedere a conducerii de varf a Republicii Moldova cu
reprezentantii Fondului Monetar International, ai altor
organizatii financiare internationale acreditate in tara
noastra, comunica Serviciul de presa al Guvernului.

Dialogul, la care au participat presedintele tarii, Vladimir
Voronin, Presedintele Parlamentului, Eugenia Ostapciuc, si
Prim-Ministrul Vasile Tarlev, precum si reprezentantul
permanent al FMI la Chisinau, Hassan Al Atrach, alte persoane
responsabile de la organizatiile financiare acreditate in tara
noastra, a avut drept scop un schimb de opinii asupra
stadiului relatiilor Moldovei cu Fondul Monetar, politicii
economico-financiare a Guvernului si Bancii Nationale
referitoare la programul de finantare "Reducerea saraciei si
cresterea economica".

Partile au discutat pe marginea unor subiecte cum ar fi
identificarea surselor financiare pentru majorarea pensiilor
si salariilor, precum si largirea acoperirii financiare a
sistemului de compensatii nominative, continuarea procesului
de privatizare in sectoarele energetic, industriei vinului si
celei a tutunului, reorientarea activitatii zonelor economice 
libere spre producerea pentru export, alte chestiuni.