Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau, July 17 /MOLDPRES/ - Moldovan Premier Vasile
Tarlev said within a Tuesday meeting with IMF Resident
Representative to Moldova Hassan Al-Atrash that Moldova is
interested in the resumption of the intense relations with the
international financial organizations. He also said that the
country relies on the IMF's support for the relaunching of the
national economy.

According to the Press Service of the Moldovan Government,
the dialogue was focused on the problems dealing with the
Memorandum signed between the Moldovan Cabinet and IMF, and on
the measures stipulated by this document.

The parties referred also to the Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility /PRGF/. The quoted source pointed out that at the
end of the year 2000 IMF ruled the disbursement of an $150m
credit on a term of three years. Two tranches by $ 50m have
already been transferred. All these financial sources are routed
to support the balance of payments.

Vasile Tarlev and Hassan Al-Atrash discussed other items
provided for in the Memorandum, like the presentation in the
Parliament of the draft laws on the goods' inspection before
dispatch and on the free economic zones, the measures of
announcement of a tender for privatization of several wine-making
and tobacco-processing enterprises.

The IMF Resident Representative said that today meeting
aims to assess the degree of preparation of the future
negotiations with the IMF Mission, which is to arrive in Chisinau
in end-July. The participants in the negotiations will discuss
aspects dealing with the relations between the IMF and the
Moldovan Government.

The Premier welcomed the IMF's intentions. He pointed out
that at present an intense collaboration is badly necessary for a
more active promotion of the financial support from the
international lenders.


Chisinau, 17 iul. /MOLDPRES/. Tara noastra este interesata in
reluarea unor relatii intense cu organizatiile financiare
internationale si mizeaza mult pe sustinerea Fondului Monetar
International in relansarea economiei nationale, a estimat
Premierul Vasile Tarlev la intrevederea avuta marti cu Hassan
Al-Atrash, reprezentant permanent al FMI in Republica Moldova.

Potrivit Serviciului de presa al Guvernuui, dialogul a fost
axat pe probleme ce vizeaza Memorandumul incheiat intre
Executivul de la Chisinau si FMI si masurile stipulate in el.
Partile s-au referit si la mecanismul de redresare a economiei
si de reducere a saraciei. La sfarsitul anului 2000,
precizeaza sursa citata, FMI a decis acordarea unui credit de
150 mln dolari pe un termen de 3 ani. Deja au fost realizate
doua transe a cate 50 mln dolari, toate aceste surse
financiare fiind indreptate pentru sustinerea balantei de

Vasile Tarlev si Hassan Al-Atrash au discutat si alte momente
stipulate in Memorandum, cum ar fi prezentarea in Parlament a
proiectelor de lege cu privire la inspectarea marfurilor
inainte de expediere si la zonele economice libere, masurile
de anuntare a tenderului pentru privatizarea unor
intreprinderi de vinificatie si de prelucrare a tutunului.

Intrevederea de astazi, a specificat reprezentantul permanent
al FMI in Moldova, urmareste scopul de a aprecia gradul de
pregatire a viitoarelor negocieri cu Misiunea FMI, ce va sosi
la Chisinau la finele lunii curente. In cadrul acestor
negocieri se vor discuta aspecte ce tin de raporturile FMI cu
Guvernul moldovean.

Seful Executivului a salutat intentiile FMI, accentuand ca in
prezent se impune ca niciodata o colaborare intensa in
vederea promovarii mai active a sustinerii financiare din
partea organismelor internationale financiare.