Limba romana
Chisinau-19.07.2001/12:06:58/(BASA-economic) Chisinau wants to amend
the Memorandum on Economic and Financial Policies with the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) because the current governing
program is different from the previous one, Moldovan officials
confirmed on Thursday.
Speaker Eugenia Ostapciuc stated at a meeting with IMF Resident
Representative Hassan Al-Atrash that she did not rule out some
changes to the December 2000 memorandum, which - she stressed - was
signed with the previous government. According to the speaker, the
modified document should contain references to the grave
socio-economic situation in Moldova.
At the same time, Premier Vasile Tarlev told a news conference that
the government would submit the IMF mission, which is due to arrive
in Chisinau on July 25, proposed amendments to the memorandum. A
special commission has been set up for negotiation in this regard,
he added.
Many analysts say that it is a normal practice when the new
governmenr seeks re-negotiation of agreements signed by its
predecessors. "So did the cabinets of Ion Sturza and Dumitru
Braghis, but their changes did not affect the basic principles of
the memorandum," they noted.
There is no way that the government stop or undo the privatisation
of the wine and tobacco companies, or modify the financial policies
- which may result in a larger deficit and deeper inflation,
experts say.
They also say that the Tarlev government acts the same way his
predecessors did: they had started work on the laws required when
the IMF missions announced their arrival.
The executive approved on Wednesday of a new law on free enterprise
zones and a decision on inspection of goods prior to their delivery
- these being conditioned by the memorandum.
The cabinet has committed itself to strengthen cooperation with the
IMF, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
and other creditors, but uttered that "the national interest would
be taken into account first."
An IMF mission, led by Richard Haas, advisor in the IMF's European
II Department, is expected in Chisinau to assess the performance of
the Moldovan government under the IMF-supported program.
Chisinau-19.07.2001/11:30:37/(BASA-economic) Deoarece actualul program de guvernare se deosebeste de cel precedent, Chisinaul doreste sa solicite FMI modificarea Memorandumului privind Politicele Economice si Financiare, semnat la 1 decembrie 2001 de cabinetul Braghis.
Presedintele Parlamentului, Eugenia Ostapciuc, a declarat ieri in cadrul unei intrevederi cu rezidentul FMI in R.Moldova, Hassan Al-Atrach, ca nu exclude eventualitatea operarii unor modificari in Memorandumul semnat de Guvernul precedent. In opinia speakerului, la realizarea clauzelor documentului respectiv este necesar sa se tina cont de situatia social-economica deosebit de grava din R.Moldova.
In acelasi timp, premierul Vasile Tarlev a declarat intr-o conferinta de presa ca Guvernul va inainta misiunii FMI, care va sosi la Chisinau la 25 iulie, propuneri de modificare a unor puncte din Memorandum si ca a fost chiar creata o comisie abilitata sa argumenteze in cadrul negocierilor schimbarile solicitate.
Mai multi analisti spun ca este o practica normala ca noul Guvern sa renegocieze unele prevederi ale actului semnat de fosta echipa de guvernare. "Asa s-a procedat si in timpul cabinetelor Sturza si Braghis, insa schimbarile nu au vizat si nici nu puteau sa vizeze principiile de baza ale Memorandumului", sustin aceleasi surse.
Nici nu poate fi vorba despre renuntarea la privatizarea combinatelor din tutunarit si vinificatie sau modificarea politicilor financiare ce ar conduce la cresterea deficitului si inflatiei, afirma expertii.
Ei mai sustin ca Guvernul Tarlev procedeaza la fel ca si cele precedente care abia dupa ce era anuntata misiunea FMI procedau la examinarea unor proiecte de legi stipulate de Memorandum. Executivul a aprobat ieri proiectul noii legi privind activitatea zonelor economice libere si hotararea cu privire la inspectia inainte de expeditie a marfurilor importate, proiecte stipulate de Memorandumul privind Politicele Economice si Financiare.
Noul cabinet de ministri s-a angajat sa consolideze colaborarea cu FMI, Banca Mondiala, BERD si alti creditori externi, insa "luand in considerare interesele nationale".
O misiune a FMI, condusa de Richard Haas, consilier in Departamentul Europa II al FMI, va sosi la 25 iulie a.c. la Chisinau pentru a estima modul in care Republica Moldova isi onoreaza angajamentele asumate prin semnarea la sfarsitul anului trecut a Memorandumului cu privire la Politicele Economice si Financiare.