Limba romana
Chisinau-26.07.2001/17:00:26/(BASA-economic) The Moldovan government
will present changes to the Memorandum on Financial and Economic
Policies in almost one week to a new mission from the International
Monetary Fund (IMF). The new vision of the government will be
announced at the end of the mission that came to assess the
fulfillment of the memorandum.
This announcement was made on Thursday by Moldovan Premier Vasile
Tarlev after his meeting with the IMF mission members. Tarlev
stated that at the moment there were no substantial differences
between the stance expressed by the IMF officials and that of the
Chisinau government, while the existing insignificant divergencies
could be easily resolved.
Ar the meeting, Richard Haas, advisor in IMF's European II
Department, said the first week of the visit would focuse on
collection of information how the Moldovan leadership observed its
commitments assumed in the memorandum and would review the main
economic and financial indicators.
The second part of the visit, which will last almost two weeks, will
be aimed at talks with the authorities on a series of major issues,
including the changes proposed by the government.
Haas stated that the agenda of the mission included the changes
to the budget and the developments in the farming sector.
Agricultural problems will be discussed with the participation of
some experts of the World Bank.
Haas stated that Moldova has honoured to a great extent the
commitments assumed in the memorandum or would honour them in the
near future. However, there are some unclear situations with the law
on inspection prior to delivery, the ban on export of wood and issue
of the licence for the nuts export.
In his turn, Tarlev stated that all these problems were under way
to be settled and that appropriate projects have already been
submitted to the parliament.
The IMF mission on Thursday met with Speaker Eugenia Ostapciuc. She
assured that all 14 laws that were included in the memorandum
would be adopted before the parliament goes on vacation next week.
Competent sources stated that IMF could accept some modifications to
the memorandum, but only at the extent that does not harm the
essence of the document. The governing program of the Tarlev cabinet
has many points that ran counter the memorandum. They are connected,
in particular, with the control of prices and foreign trade,
introduction of the state monopoly in the wine-making and tobacco
industries, preferential crediting of the farmers etc.
The IMF mission, headed by Richard Haas, is paying a two-week visit
to Moldova to assess the observance of the commitments assumed by
the Chisinau leadership and to make an expertise of the long-term
policy of the Tarlev cabinet and the financial and economic
situation in the country.
Guvernul moldovean va prezenta misiunii Fondului Monetar International
viziunea sa asupra modificarilor pe care solicita sa fie introduse in
Memorandumul cu privire la Politicele Economice si Financiare peste aproximativ
o saptamana, dupa ce membrii misiunii vor incheia discutiile de documentare cu
conducerea de la Chisinau si cu membrii Guvernului.
Declaratia a fost facuta astazi de premierul moldovean Vasile Tarlev, dupa
intrevederea avuta cu misiunea FMI. Tarlev a declarat ca la moment nu exista
divergente de substanta intre pozitiile exprimate de oficialii FMI si Guvernul
de la Chisinau, iar micile disensiuni care exista ar putea fi, in opinia sa,
depasite cu usurinta.
In cadrul intrevederii, seful misiunii FMI, Richard Haas, a declarat ca prima
saptamana a vizitei misiunii va fi consacrata acumularii de informatii privind
respectarea de catre Chisinau a angajamentelor asumate in cadrul Memorandumului
si privind situatia principalilor indicatori economici si financiari.
A doua parte a vizitei care va dura aproximativ doua saptamani va fi consacrata
discutiilor si negocierilor cu autoritatile, inclusiv asupra modificarilor ce
vor fi propuse de Guvern.
Richard Haas a declarat ca printre subiectele cele mai importante aflate in
vizorul misiunii vor fi modificarile la Buget, iar o atentie aparte in cadrul
acestei vizite va fi acordata sectorului agricol. Problemele agriculturii vor fi
discutate cu participarea unui expert de la Banca Mondiala.
Haas a declarat ca R.Moldova si-a indeplinit in mare parte sau urmeaza sa
indeplineasca in viitorul cel mai apropiat angajamentele asumate prin semnarea
Memorandumului, unele neclaritati ramanand insa cu legea privind inspectia
inainte de expeditie, interdictia la exportul lemnului si licentierea exportului
de nuci.
Vasile Tarlev a declarat, la randul sau, ca toate aceste probleme sunt pe cale
de a se solutiona, proiectele respective fiind deja inaintate in Parlament.
Misiunea FMI a avut astazi intrevederi si cu presedintele Parlamentului, Eugenia
Ostapciuc, in cadrul careia aceasta a dat asigurari ca toate cele 14 legi ce
figureaza in Memorandum vor fi adoptate pana la vacanta parlamentara ce incepe
saptamana viitoare.
Surse avizate ne-au comunicat ca FMI ar putea accepta unele modificari la
Memorandum, dar numai la pozitiile ce nu tin de esenta documentului. Potrivit
acelorasi surse, programul de guvernare al cabinetului Tarlev are mai multe
puncte care vin in contradictie cu Memorandumul. Acestea tin in special de
controlul preturilor si a activitatilor de import-export, introducerea
monopolului de stat in domenii ca vinificatia si industria tutunului, creditarea
preferentiala a producatorilor agricoli, s.a.
Misiunea FMI, condusa de consilierul Departamentului Europa II al Fondului
Monetar, Richard Haas, se afla in R.Moldova intr-o vizita de doua zile, pentru a
evalua respectarea angajamentelor asumate anterior de Chisinau si a efectua o
expertiza a politicii pe termen lung a Guvernului Tarlev si a situatiei
financiare si economice a R.Moldova.