Limba romana
Chisinau-05.11.2001/12:07:00/(BASA-economic) The resident
representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Moldova,
Hassan Al-Atrash, stated in a National Radio broadcast early Monday
that the republic has registered progress in the implementation of
the supplement to the Memorandum on Economic and Financial Policies.
Several actions stipulated in the supplement to the Memorandum have
been fulfilled, he said, particularly pointing out to the agreement
on inspection of the imports prior to their delivery to Moldova and
adoption of the 2002 budget in two readings. According to Al-Atrash,
the social spending bill is "very well-balanced."
Another important moment, he said, in the approval of the social
insurance budget for 2002 by the government.
"If these two progresses maintain, then we hope to approach the
Board of Directors of IMF in December and seek the approval of the
next tranche of the 142-million-dollar credit," the Fund's official
was quoted as saying.
The concrete day of the IMF Board meeting "will be specified while
things keep going," said Al-Atrash, who also urged the parliament to
adopt more laws released by the cabinet, especially the new law on
bankruptcy and the new law on banks.
There is also a series of changes to the legislation concerning
the export restrictions. The government has already approved these
changes, now it's time the parliament said its own word, the IMF
official stated.
Al-Atrash also said that in case of essential changes or changes of
principle to the 2002 budget or social insurance fund, Moldova would
fail again to restore the ties with the international creditors.
If the Board of Directors of IMF takes a positive decision for
Moldova, the next tranche will be disbursed within three days,
Al-Atrash stated.
Moldova may receive 40 million dollars in foreign loans by the end
of this year or beginning of next year, according to an optimistic
scenario, said Al-Atrash. Chisinau may also succeed in negotiations
on rescheduling of its foreign debts to the Paris Club, if all
agreements are respected, he stressed.
Chisinau-05.11.2001/(BASA-economic) Reprezentantul permanent al FMI la Chisinau,
Hassan Al-Atrash, a declarat astazi intr-o emisiune pe postul national de radio
ca in ultimele zile s-au inregistrat progrese in realizarea de catre Republica
Moldova a clauzelor suplimentului la Memorandumul privind Politicele Economice
si Financiare. In primul rand, este vorba de semnarea acordului cu privire la
inspectia inainte de expeditie a marfurilor importate in Republica Moldova,
examinarea in prima si a doua lectura a proiectului Legii bugetului pentru anul
2002 care, in opinia rezidentului FMI, este foarte echilibrat din punct de
vedere a cheltuielilor sociale.
Hassan Al-Atrash a spus totodata ca in cazul in care vor fi operate schimbari
esentiale, de principiu, in proiectul bugetului 2002 si proiectul legii
bugetului asigurarilor sociale de stat pentru anul 2002, R.Moldova va rata din
nou sansa de a debloca finantarea externa. Rezidentul FMI a spus ca in cazul in
care votul Consiliului director va fi favorabil pentru R.Moldova, transa
ordinara ar putea sa fie alocata Chisinaului in termen de trei zile.
Hassan Al-Atrash sustine ca, potrivit unui scenariu optimist, R.Moldova ar putea
primi pana la sfarsitul anului curent sau inceputul anului 2002 imprumuturi
externe in suma de 40 milioane USD. Potrivit acestuia, in cazul in care
Chisinaul va respecta toate intelegerile el ar putea sa inceapa negocierile
privind restructurarea datoriilor externe cu Clubul de la Paris, in primul
trimestru al anului viitor.