Moldova & IMF IMF Activities Publications Press Releases

Limba romana


Chisinau-05.02.2002/13:15:13/(BASA-economic) The International
Monetary Fund (IMF) will take a decision whether to resume or not
the assistance for Moldova not earlier April, IMF Resident
Representative Hassan Al-Atrash told journalists in Chisinau on

An IMF mission is due to arrive in February in Chisinau to assess
how Chisinau honours its commitments towards the Fund.

The mission will study whether Moldova has registered progress in
talks with the World Bank on the SAC-III, land administration
reform and new civil code. Another important moment, according to
Al-Atrash, is the elimination of the guarantees assumed by the
Moldovan government in the new Moldova-Russia gas agreement.

The IMF representative has said that the supplement to the
memorandum on economic and financial policies does not refer to the
Moldovan-Russian agreement, but the government had earlier convened
with the Fund to avoid taking new loans without coverage.

The Chisinau government has been warned that certain provisions of
the agreement run counter the commitments it had assumed before the
signature of this document, but it neglected the warning of the Fund.

There are contradictory signals regarding structural reforms - on
the one hand it is privatisation and on the other hand it is a new
nationalisation, said Al-Atrash. According to him, the Moldovan
authorities must give a clear message to investors.

The mission will also analyze whether Chisinau has registered
progress in the privatisation of MoldTelecom, whether there were
new expenditures and how they were covered.

"If everything is alright, the Board of Directors will meet in
April," said Al-Atrash.

The IMF resident representative denied official reports that
Moldova has honoured all commitments towards the Fund, referring
to the fact that the government assumed new foreign guarantees
despite a clear rejection of this condition in the memorandum on
economic and financial policies.

On the other hand, Al-Atrash said that reforms in the energy,
public and property sectors were very slow in Moldova. The energy
sector is "the least transparent in Moldova," is a money loser and
a source of corruption.

"I agree with those saying that this is 'a state within the
state'," said Al-Atrash.

There is much corruption in the public sector that mirrors the
mafia interests, said Al-Atrash. Public functionaries are underpaid
and therefore good specialists cannot be employed.

The IMF official also said that the Fund was ready to assist
Moldova, if the sides reached a common viewpoint on domestic


Chisinau-05.02.2002/12:43:13/(BASA-economic) Consiliul director al
Fondului Monetar International (FMI) ar putea adopta decizia cu
privire la deblocarea finantarii Republicii Moldova nu mai devreme
de luna aprilie anul curent, a declarat astazi ziaristilor Hassan
Al-Atrash, reprezentantul permanent al FMI la Chisinau.

O misiune a FMI va sosi la Chisinau la sfarsitul lunii februarie
pentru a estima in ce masura Republica Moldova isi onoreaza
angajamentele fata de Fond.

Misiunea Fondului va analiza daca s-au inregistrat progrese in
negocierile Moldovei cu Banca Mondiala privind SAC-III, in special
in problema reformei agrare, si in elaborarea Codului Civil. Un alt
moment important, potrivit lui Hassan Al-Atrash, este eliminarea
garantiilor externe asumate de catre stat la semnarea acordului
moldo-rus cu privire la livrarile de gaze.

Rezidentul FMI a spus ca in suplimentul la Memorandumul privind
Politicele Economice si Financiare nu se face referinta la acordul
moldo-rus, insa Guvernul a convenit cu FMI sa nu-si asume
noi datorii externe fara acoperire.

Guvernul de la Chisinau a fost avertizat ca unele prevederi ale
acordului contravin angajamentelor asumate anterior inca pana la
semnarea documentului, insa cabinetul de ministri a neglijat
avertismentul Fondului.

Exista semnale contradictorii privind reformele structurale, pe
de o parte se vorbeste de privatizare, iar pe de alta de
renationalizare, a spus Hassan Al-Atrash. In opinia acestuia,
autoritatile moldovene ar trebui sa aiba un mesaj clar
si in acest domeniu.

Misiunea va mai analiza daca au fost facute progrese in procesul de
privatizare a MoldTelecom-ului sau daca au aparut noi cheltuieli
si din ce mijloace vor fi acoperite.

"In cazul in care totul va merge bine, adunarea Consiliului director
va avea loc in aprilie", a spus Hassan Al-Atrash.

Rezidentul Fondului Monetar International a respins afirmatiile
potrivit carora, Republica Moldova si-a onorat toate angajamentele
fata de FMI. El a facut referinta la asumarea de catre stat a unor
noi garantii externe, ce vine in contradictie cu prevederile
Memorandumului privind Politicele Economice si

In alt context, Hassan Al-Atrash a spus ca in Republica Moldova
decurge incet reforma sectorului energetic, reforma sectorului
public si cel al proprietatii. Sectorul energetic este "cel mai
putin transparent sector din Republica Moldova", ce genereaza
pierderi in progresie geometrica si constituie o sursa de

"Asi fi de acord cu acei care afirma ca acesta este "un stat
in stat", a declarat rezidentul FMI.

In sectorul public exista multa coruptie care concreste cu
interesele mafiei, a spus Hassan Al-Atrash. Functionarii
publici sunt platiti prost, de aceea nu pot fi angajati
specialisti buni.

Reprezentantul FMI a spus ca FMI este gata sa ajute Republica
Moldova, daca se va ajunge la un punct de vedere comun
privind politicele promovate.