Limba romana
International Monetary Fund
Resident Representative in Republic of Moldova
April 20, 2001
The International Monetary Fund is planning a small mission during April
25-May 2, 2001. The objectives of the mission are to assess progress under the
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) and to discuss future economic and
financial policies with the new President, Parliament, and Government. The
mission will be led by Mr. Richard Haas, Advisor in the IMF's European II
The IMF's Executive Board approved the three year loan under the PRGF for the
Republic of Moldova in an amount equivalent to SDR 110.88 million (about US$142
million) on December 21, 2000 (see
Two tranches, totaling nearly US$25 million, have already been disbursed under
the PRGF: the first tranche of US$12 million was disbursed on December 29, 2000
and the second tranche of US$12 million was disbursed on February 23, 2001.
The IMF office in Chisinau will provide information on the outcome of the
discussions shortly after the mission's departure.
Hassan Al-Atrash
Resident Representative
Chisinau, Moldova
Fondul Monetar International
Reprezentanta Permanenta in Republica Moldova
20 aprilie 2001
Fondul Monetar International planifica o misiune restransa pe parcursul
perioadei 25 aprilie - 2 mai, 2001. Obiectivele misiunii sunt de a evalua
performanta in cadrul Mecanismului de Reducere a Saraciei si de Crestere
Economica (PRGF) si pentru a discuta politicile economice si financiare viitoare
cu noul Presedinte, Parlament si Guvern. Misiunea va fi condusa de catre Dl.
Richard Haas, Consilier in Departamentul Europa II al FMI.
Consiliul Executiv al FMI a aprobat pe data de 21 decembrie 2000 un credit de
trei an in cadrul PRGF pentru Republica Moldova in suma echivalenta cu 110,88
milioane SDR (aproximativ 142 milioane dolari SUA) (vezi la
Doua transe, in suma totala de cca 25 milioane dolari SUA au fost deja alocate
in cadrul PRGF: prima transa de 12 milioane dolari SUA a fost alocata pe data de
29 decembrie 2000 si a doua transa de 12 milioane SUA a fost alocata pe data de
23 februarie 2001.
Biroul FMI din Chisinau va furniza informatia privind rezultatele discutiilor
imediat dupa plecarea misiunii.
Hassan Al-Atrash
Reprezentant permanent
Chisinau, Moldova